Click Here To Embiggen

Today's headline is a tribute to our brand spanking, new, favourite word. Embiggen - which was added to the Merriam Webster dictionary this week - means "to make bigger or more expansive". To us, the word has got such a nice ring to it, we see it becoming an indepensible part of the general lexicon - with creative uses in everyday scenarios, thus:
Future students of Economics could be faced with examination questions along the lines of,"To what extent did Brexit embiggen (or not) the UK economy?"
[25 marks]
History students:
In the first half of the 21st century, what role did over-embiggened political ambitions play in the subsequent state of the UK's place in the world; until the end of that century. Extra marks for understanding the roles played by the Bad Boys of Brexit.
[25 marks]
Football terrace insults:
Run, embiggened boy, run!
You know it's been a week devoid of much currency market activity when half of a Market Commentary column is dedicated to a mildly amusing, made-up word from 1996 episode of the Simpsons. Well, it has been a week of subdued activity. Sterling has traded within a 1.5 cent range against the greenback and an even narrower range against the Euro.
Although it has pared some of the losses from last week, the pound has remained under pressure. Not least after the decision announced by Donald Tusk, the European Council President, that the EU was freezing Brexit negotiations until the Irish border question was resolved first. Some analysts believe that this position increases the odds of a "no deal" Brexit - particularly as time is so short.
We'll see you next week!
Next Week's Key Events (all times are GMT):
Mon 12th Mar 23:45 hrs: RBNZ Gov Spencer speaks
Tue 13th Mar 11.30 hrs: UK Annual Budget
Tue 13th Mar 12.30 hrs: US CPI & Core CPI - Monthly
Tue 13th Mar 14:15 hrs: BOC Gov Poloz Speaks
Wed 14th Mar 02:00 hrs: China Industrial Production Annually
Wed 14th Mar 08:00 hrs: ECB President Draghi Speaks
Wed 14th Mar 21:45 hrs: New Zealand GDP - Quarterly
Fri 16th Mar 12:30 hrs: US House Building Permits
To discuss how the above may affect you, please contact your Currency Dealer at Heritage Pay on +44 (0) 203 858 7274.